Music From the 412

Music from the 412

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Latest Message: 1 day, 23 hours ago
  • Stevo : Strong voice!
  • Holly of Fiction : Very strong
  • Drums : Devil went down to Georgia
  • John Ballistic : Amy is great friends with Pittsburgh's Bonnie and the Mere Mortals who were touring out here!
  • John Ballistic : It was sooo cool meeting Bonnie & the band. They've been on here before. And it was cool enjoying this concert with my daughter
  • Holly of Fiction : Is she singing about Appalachia?
  • John Ballistic : Indeed!
  • Holly of Fiction : Corrie is perfect for this lineup and all these 3 songs go together well.
  • Holly of Fiction : You haven't lost me, I'm a metal head (and more)
  • John Ballistic : 100%
  • Stevo : Corrie is the real deal
  • Holly of Fiction : Corrie is amazing, I'd love to see her one day.
  • Holly of Fiction : Adios Misogynists!!!
  • Holly of Fiction : LOL I love your show, John. And this is a fave Corrie song
  • Stevo : I second that!
  • John Ballistic : Thanks Holly and 1 of my faves as well!
  • John Ballistic : Fantastic lyrics!!
  • Holly of Fiction : Corrie tackles some heavy shit, and handles it so beautifully
  • John Ballistic : Agreed
  • Stevo : She's amazing!
  • Drums : Cause she survived
  • Holly of Fiction : You got miss Monroeville herself!!
  • John Ballistic : I do🤘
  • Michell Saldarriaga : Buenas!!!!
  • John Ballistic : Hola Michell y beinvendos!
  • Holly of Fiction : It's true Bry- she has fought beasts. And lived!
  • Holly of Fiction : Hola Michell!
  • Michell Saldarriaga : Hi holly
  • John Ballistic : Michell was 1 of the dudes reppin' the UJ at work today🙏
  • Michell Saldarriaga : Hi Holly!
  • Holly of Fiction : This vox adds a kind of alt punky edge to this
  • John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
  • Holly of Fiction : Hello, hello Michell! Welcome to the Jukebox tonight. Lotsa ladies tonight
  • Holly of Fiction : John who was that last stinger?
  • Stevo : I love the ladies!
  • John Ballistic : Mindy DeVille formerly of Less Than Zero
  • Stevo : I love the ladies!
  • guest_6929 : Chat is weird tonight
  • John Ballistic : That was me haha. The chat is acting up but the bands are fire🤘
  • Stevo : Indeed the bands are! Great show tonight, John!
  • John Ballistic : Thanks Stevo🙏
  • Holly of Fiction : Sunshine is the perfect name for that song about darkness'
  • Holly of Fiction : Doing great John!!
  • Holly of Fiction : Is Wrong Track Records in Minnesota?
  • guest_5838 : Wrong Track is in Texas...the Scarlett Tangerines are from Minnesota
  • Holly of Fiction : Thanks for that shout out X
  • Drums : Who is guest 5838?
  • John Ballistic : It was probably me Bryan🤣
  • Drums : Ah
  • Drums : Glitchy
  • Holly of Fiction : This is a fun one with Black Widows and a nest
  • John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
  • Holly of Fiction : I love that this track features someone named Seethe
  • Drums : Libations have arrived my love
  • Holly of Fiction : OK, be there in 2
  • Stevo : Cheers you two!
  • John Ballistic : Way ahead of you Bryan haha
  • Stevo : Cheers you two!
  • Holly of Fiction : This is AWESOME, Lorien and I could jam
  • Drums : Bjork
  • Holly of Fiction : Bijork and Dead Can Dance Feels
  • Stevo : Cheers you three!
  • John Ballistic : If I'm not mistaken I think Moonlight Eclipse is all teens!
  • John Ballistic : Testing testing
  • GrimRock : I see Bonny up there!
  • GrimRock : Gonna reload my plate and come back and partake in some UJ with yinz!
  • Stevo : Hey hey, Undergrounders!
  • Holly of Fiction : YO its THURSDAY
  • John Ballistic : Hey Stevo!
  • John Ballistic : Hi Holly!
  • Stevo : How ya doin' John?
  • John Ballistic : Hopefully the chat will hold up! I'm good Stevo and you?
  • John Ballistic : Pittsburgh bound on Sunday!!!
  • Stevo : Off to a rough start this morning so I'm here to get healed with the music!
  • Holly of Fiction : Hey Stevo & John! Me too- Stevo, I've got the post high lows. I write about this, but yeah. Fixing it with cuisine and music!!
  • Stevo : Right on, Holly!
  • Holly of Fiction : Yeah! Kick that low's ass! Grim is here to help!
  • Stevo : Yay! Grim!
  • Michell Saldarriaga : Helouuu!
  • John Ballistic : Hola Michell...vamos a rockear haha🤘
  • Holly of Fiction : John:is there a Grim theme perhaps?
  • Michell Saldarriaga : YEAAA
  • John Ballistic : Silicon Kong & Samson Loomis are listening in do I'm told...both are newbies tonight
  • John Ballistic : No real theme tonight Holly
  • Stevo : Hello and welcome to them!
  • John Ballistic : Just a rockin' & rolling
  • Holly of Fiction : Kinda joking but also- I could see it
  • Holly of Fiction : I see the Ghost forecast is still 100% Maybe it'll hail ghosts
  • John Ballistic : Def 100% Chance of Ghosts haha
  • Holly of Fiction : I like this track
  • John Ballistic : New rocks!!
  • Stevo : Me too!
  • GrimRock : TGIT!
  • John Ballistic : Hey Grim!
  • John Ballistic : 👻
  • Stevo : Oh yeah! COG!
  • Holly of Fiction : Olivia Love has such a great voice
  • Stevo : Indeed!
  • John Ballistic : @ Holly...legit!
  • Holly of Fiction : These guys all rock, the whole band
  • Drums of Fiction : They're so good live!
  • Drums of Fiction : Hey all
  • Holly of Fiction : And they are so nice, too- great people
  • Stevo : Nice guitar work!
  • John Ballistic : Indeed...I have been digging the tracks they sent! Welcome Bryan
  • Stevo : Hey Drums!
  • Drums of Fiction : Stevo yo. I repped GTC over the weekend
  • Holly of Fiction : These guys- have members of Raincoats, early Riot Grrl and C Average!
  • John Ballistic : 😮
  • John Ballistic : I will have to investigate further
  • John Ballistic : Today was UJ day (unofficially)at work....I got a pic of some of the UJ faithful from work to post on the socials later!
  • John Ballistic : If the chat crashes my peeps,refresh!
  • GrimRock : I am here and listening. dealing with a battary of messages for an upcoming show that I can't do and apparently the person who contacted me wasn't involde
  • Stevo : Every day should beUJ day!
  • Holly of Fiction : Notably I am in chat under "chatroom" today. Though I usually come through the listen now tab....
  • GrimRock : so when the involved party asked me today, it turned into a mees cause I was like, I was already asked lol
  • GrimRock : i mean i was lol
  • John Ballistic : Sorry ya gotta deal eith with that Grim and Holly, I "see" ya!
  • Stevo : A gig we had booked for 2 months fell through when the venue double booked! We're miffed!
  • John Ballistic : 🤬
  • GrimRock : that happens a lot. had one of those too recently. tpld heres the place and the date to find out like 2 months later they booked another set of bands with another promoter
  • John Ballistic : 🤬🤬
  • Stevo : Yeah, Rude and unprofessional.
  • Holly of Fiction : Anyone know what instruments these guys are playing?
  • GrimRock : supposed to play The Remedy in The Burgh and now that's changed so the promoter is now looking for another venue same date and line up
  • John Ballistic : I do not Holly. Gotta admit I no little about these guys
  • Holly of Fiction : ...Yeah, just curious...
  • Drums of Fiction : When Holly had her solo release in 06 the venue changed hands but only the week of the show. They tried getting out of it but I forced them to honor it and she packed the place.
  • Stevo : I hope that gets straightened out for you, Grim.
  • GrimRock : Me too. I mean I have a run of gigs booked so I am good for now. That's good you made them honor it Drums
  • John Ballistic : Holly....this may be a Fuzzii recommendation. I honestly don't remember
  • Holly of Fiction : Like em
  • John Ballistic : Keep it downs that is
  • John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
  • Stevo : We have other gigs booked too.So heck with the one double booked!
  • John Ballistic : BANDCRUSH™️
  • GrimRock : I got to share the stage with these guy at Philly on the Rocks in Erie the end of last year
  • Drums of Fiction : Wild drums
  • Drums of Fiction : Cool Grim
  • GrimRock : dude wields an upright bass like a maniac lol
  • John Ballistic : Bryan...the drummer always plays for Vernotica
  • John Ballistic : @ Grim totally!
  • GrimRock : Need to do a show together sometime Stevo
  • Stevo : That Bass rocks!
  • Drums of Fiction : I tried playing with a psycobilly band 18 years ago. I was not ready for the upright. He was an animal.
  • Stevo : Would love to Grim. we;re in California.
  • Holly of Fiction : This is phenomenal
  • GrimRock : I'd love to get out that way!
  • Stevo : You'd be welcome!
  • GrimRock : These dudes rock Holly. One after another they tore up the stage that night
  • John Ballistic : Yinz can meet halfway...see ya at my place!
  • Drums of Fiction : Love me some swing rhythm
  • Silicon Kong : Greetings, all! 👽
  • Stevo : Good call, John!
  • GrimRock : SUp Kong!!
  • John Ballistic : welcome SK!
  • Stevo : Halfway... Good call John!
  • Silicon Kong : You know.... The quest for World Domination, etc.....
  • GrimRock : Totally
  • Silicon Kong : Tuning in from the upper Stratosphere and all.
  • GrimRock : We got, what, 3 gigs coming up together? 4?
  • Stevo : I just got back from too far out!
  • GrimRock : Gonna kick some azz!
  • Silicon Kong : 4?
  • Silicon Kong : 🤔
  • GrimRock : I lost count lol
  • Silicon Kong : 3 for sure
  • Silicon Kong : I've been too far out. I enjoyed it.
  • Silicon Kong : 😎
  • Holly of Fiction : Remember: I am writing down EVERYTHING you say. MWAHAHA
  • John Ballistic : Note to self...Shut The f up🤣
  • Stevo : Right on, SK!
  • Drums of Fiction : There's no show without you bro
  • Silicon Kong : Yinz I ow how I roll. 😁
  • Holly of Fiction : LOL
  • Silicon Kong : Doing a stellar job there John. 😎
  • John Ballistic : There's no show without YOU GUYS bryan🙏
  • Drums of Fiction : It's a symbiotic relationship
  • Stevo : Like one big happy family!
  • John Ballistic : Thanks's a cool show because of the artists! Welcome to the show my dude🤘
  • Holly of Fiction : Cymbal Otic Relationship
  • Silicon Kong : Of MISFITS! 😁
  • Stevo : I'm the weird Uncle! 😀
  • John Ballistic : Totally🤣
  • Silicon Kong : Thank-you.
  • GrimRock : Happy Family of the Ramones variety :p
  • Drums of Fiction : Exactly Stevo. Let's buy a farm and all move there
  • Stevo : Yeah Drums!
  • Holly of Fiction : Uncle Stevo will you please pass the joint
  • Silicon Kong : One of my favorite Ramones tunes. Nice choice.
  • Stevo : Here you go ,Holly!
  • Drums of Fiction : It's in the garage baby
  • Stevo : You guys all caught my drift!
  • John Ballistic : Shoulda named it the Underground Joint Box🤣
  • Holly of Fiction : Gotta keep this rice from burning a few more mins- coconut milk is sensitive
  • GrimRock : Oooooo.. So what you are really saying there John is this said farm is a natures healing reserve :p
  • Drums of Fiction : John that's the after party
  • Stevo : I'm a bit sensitive myself.
  • John Ballistic : Yes to all of the above!
  • GrimRock : lol
  • Silicon Kong : As long as 🍺can be consumed.... Kong will be there. N'at.
  • John Ballistic : Beer is definitely being consumed 🍻
  • Stevo : I'm digging this band!
  • Drums of Fiction : SK you should come to our festival next year
  • Silicon Kong : Me to. I actually discovered a few here I'm following now.
  • GrimRock : THey would have to sign a bill to get a pipeline installed from The Burgh to Cali and the farm to pump some iron thru 😉
  • John Ballistic : Right on!! Please follow all the bands!
  • Silicon Kong : YES!!! GrimRock got it! 😎
  • Stevo : Indeed!
  • John Ballistic : Stevo is CA...Bryan & Holly are Seatlle
  • Drums of Fiction : Iron City is in your blood
  • John Ballistic : Grim and SK are denver
  • Silicon Kong : Yes, yes it is. 😁
  • John Ballistic : Oppps PA
  • John Ballistic : Sk no Irons in denver☹️
  • Stevo : So like you said...we'll meet at your place, halfway!
  • Silicon Kong : Dude!!! 😓 That sucks!
  • John Ballistic : It does
  • Drums of Fiction : But there trees John
  • Holly of Fiction : LOL Awesome
  • Silicon Kong : Well, ☺️ isn't that Coors country? That would be a good substitute.
  • Stevo : I'm a tree-hugger!
  • John Ballistic : Yes...and it is!!
  • GrimRock : Have to start shipping vials of mon water across the us to spritz on first thing in the morning to feel like you are home.. I got lots of good ideas tongiht lol
  • Silicon Kong : That would suffice. 😎
  • Silicon Kong : I'm fairly easy to get along with.
  • Silicon Kong : 😁
  • John Ballistic : I friend once drove out a cpl cases Smokey & The Bandit style!@
  • Drums of Fiction : The first thing that you PA guys will notice is that Hellman's is Best Foods here
  • Stevo : LOL
  • GrimRock : I misread that Drums. Heinz you say? :p
  • John Ballistic : Drums...totally Hellman's
  • John Ballistic : Mayo Grim
  • GrimRock : They make Mayo
  • Drums of Fiction : It's still bugs me
  • John Ballistic : They do grim but never liked it haha
  • GrimRock : lol
  • GrimRock : need mayochup then lol
  • Stevo : Better than Merical Whip!
  • Drums of Fiction : Mayostardmustsrdayonaise
  • Holly of Fiction : Mayostard Mustardayonaise
  • Silicon Kong : Remember when they colored the ketchup? Not a good idea! 🤨
  • John Ballistic : DEF better than Miracle whip haha
  • Drums of Fiction : HA
  • Holly of Fiction : HA!!!!!!
  • Holly of Fiction : You owe me...a.. ah forget it
  • GrimRock : I bought the green and purple chup!
  • GrimRock : I miss that lol
  • GrimRock : Heinz had labels on the regular chup that said Tomato Blood lol
  • Silicon Kong : It just didn't taste right there me! It was blasphamist! 🤨
  • Holly of Fiction : I guess me and Bry are the only Mr. Show geeks
  • Drums of Fiction : In Syracuse we use Catsup
  • doc : hi kids
  • GrimRock : Sup doc!
  • Silicon Kong : Greetings Doc.
  • Stevo : I've often wondered what's the difference?
  • John Ballistic : Doc Rock...welcome!
  • GrimRock : Sup doc!
  • Silicon Kong : Your presence will be accepted! 😁
  • Stevo : ketchup and catsup
  • Drums of Fiction : Now I want a carrot
  • Holly of Fiction : Nice block o rock here
  • Drums of Fiction : Cats
  • Stevo : Oh no, Drums!
  • Silicon Kong : Look out now! Get your tissues! 😥
  • GrimRock : Just say gimme a dab of K on it lol
  • GrimRock : SOme Kong!
  • Drums of Fiction : Ketamin?
  • Silicon Kong : The "Power Ballad."
  • Stevo : How about just a dab, Grim?
  • John Ballistic : Doc...I'll be in da burgh...the 1st!
  • GrimRock : We just played a show together and have 3 more coming up
  • doc : hey hey whats going on in here can i see some id please lol
  • doc : yeah i saw that john cool
  • GrimRock : Grim from GrimROck reporting :p
  • Holly of Fiction : Groovy trippy music Silcon Kong!
  • Stevo : We've been having a spirited conversation about condements
  • Silicon Kong : Thank-you! I appreciate it
  • Drums of Fiction : Everyone beat it, it's the fuzz
  • Silicon Kong : 😁
  • doc : lol
  • John Ballistic : Simply enjoying the Underground joint box and eating heinz ketamine...the reg thurs night🤣
  • Holly of Fiction : Hi fuzz, nice to meet you! Thanks for the cool shows you do
  • Drums of Fiction : What are your vocal effects?
  • Silicon Kong : Just a little overdrive. That's it.
  • John Ballistic : Great song...Kong!
  • Drums of Fiction : Nice
  • Stevo : Very nice!
  • Silicon Kong : Thank-you again.
  • John Ballistic : Great song kong
  • Silicon Kong : Awww! Yes nz guys! 🥰
  • GrimRock : His set was kick azz too at the last show. Performer on stage!
  • Silicon Kong : Yinz guys
  • John Ballistic : I saw some vid!
  • GrimRock : I wheeled him out in chans on a dolly
  • Silicon Kong : There will be more to come! How about it GrimRock?
  • GrimRock : *chains
  • Holly of Fiction : I'm loving this edgy vibe
  • Silicon Kong : 😎
  • GrimRock : Much more of the Kong / Grim combo with some suprise bands along the way
  • Holly of Fiction : Very DEVO+Residents vibe...
  • Drums of Fiction : Chains on a Dolly is a band name. But who gets to be Dolly
  • Stevo : Me too...I been rolling up coins lately...I can relate!
  • GrimRock : Choshek, Across Dream, God Hates Unicorns and who knows who else I joing us
  • Drums of Fiction : Stevo you be rolling more than coins
  • GrimRock : I agree withe the Devo reference
  • Stevo : Yes I have ,Drums!
  • Drums of Fiction : HaHa
  • Holly of Fiction : LOVE this
  • GrimRock : WHere at in West Virginia?
  • Stevo : Me too! Thank you for helping me to feel better tonight...everybody!
  • Holly of Fiction : Music HEALZ
  • Silicon Kong : You said "yinz!" 😲
  • John Ballistic : Anytime Stevo! Thanks for listening!
  • Stevo : Yes, Holly!!!
  • Drums of Fiction : Stevo what city do you live in?
  • John Ballistic : I'm training 'em SK🤣
  • Stevo : Eureka
  • Drums of Fiction : Ok
  • GrimRock : WHen you get them to say Jagoff, that's it lol
  • Silicon Kong : Great show guys. Thanks to all. Feel free to find me, I follow all that follow me! 🤘
  • Silicon Kong : N'at!
  • Drums of Fiction : Age of Fiction will find you
  • Stevo : Have a good night alla yinz!
  • Silicon Kong : 🤘🍺
  • John Ballistic : Thanks Silicon Kong and everyone for listening! Still a cpl tracks left!
  • Holly of Fiction : Night SK!
  • Drums of Fiction : Make sure to have some PBR for me
  • GrimRock : 3 Leagues I shared a stage with a while ago. It was at the Green Beacon in Greensburgh. Super cool dudes
  • Silicon Kong : Have a great Evening Holly Of Fiction
  • GrimRock : Watched their set at Millvale with JB too
  • Stevo : Come to Eureka, Drums...plenty o' PBR here!
  • Silicon Kong : "Be seeing yinz! 👀"
  • Drums of Fiction : Looking at the drive time
  • Stevo : And that other stuff I been rollin'!
  • Drums of Fiction : And some shows
  • Silicon Kong : With reinforcement of GrimRock! Oh, yeah! 😎
  • Stevo : You said it!
  • Drums of Fiction : Later Kong
  • Holly of Fiction : pretty!
  • Silicon Kong : Have a great one Drums Of Fiction. Thank-you.
  • John Ballistic : F'n 3 leagues to rome 🤘😈🤘
  • Drums of Fiction : You too brother
  • Drums of Fiction : Nice guitar
  • Stevo : 3 leagues!!!
  • Holly of Fiction : lighters up
  • Silicon Kong : Oh, yeah! 😎
  • GrimRock : They have a really great live show
  • Stevo : Indeed!
  • Drums of Fiction : That's just a nice run
  • Holly of Fiction : Rad show, John!
  • Stevo : I hope ya all get the kind a ketchup or catsup you're lookin' for!
  • GrimRock : right on! see you in The Burgh!
  • John Ballistic : Thanks Holly! And right on Grim!
  • Drums of Fiction : Later all
  • Stevo : G'night!
  • Holly of Fiction : night!
  • GrimRock : What's goin down?
  • Holly of Fiction : Hello Grim!
  • GrimRock : hey hey!
  • John Ballistic : We are here...we are ready....we are.....
  • Holly of Fiction : It's Thursday in a perpetual time warp
  • John Ballistic : Hi Holly!!
  • GrimRock : i agree 🙂
  • John Ballistic : Hey Grim!
  • GrimRock : Hey JB!
  • John Ballistic : I got your message earlier...well touch base
  • GrimRock : Yeah. I had stuff come up and I got it all covered but it means nothing extra for me unfortunately
  • Drums of Fiction : Howdy
  • John Ballistic : Hey Bryan!
  • GrimRock : I'm not even ordering thw rest of my guitar upgrades or new picks for the acoustic now
  • GrimRock : Can't until later in the month
  • Drums of Fiction : 93 here
  • John Ballistic : That sux grim but you're a good daddy!
  • Holly of Fiction : Grim: we know that feeling
  • John Ballistic : Hanging with my cousin and his wife ...we been eating and partying for hours haha. I believe we're ready🤘
  • Holly of Fiction : Sounds like a blast! Hey party people over there at John's cousin's! Hi!
  • Holly of Fiction : I love this chorus, unexpected
  • GrimRock : great track
  • Jim Hebert : had a hard time signing in...but I think Im here now
  • GrimRock : Hey Jim!
  • Holly of Fiction : What's UP Jim?
  • Jim Hebert : not much 107 degrees here today same old same old
  • Holly of Fiction : Did you just open a beer John?
  • John Ballistic : I did Holly 🤣
  • Jim Hebert : I did
  • John Ballistic : Hey Jim!
  • Holly of Fiction : Bryan caught you
  • Holly of Fiction : Wow this song title is like psychic I guess
  • Jim Hebert : is this Big Frances?
  • Jim Hebert : bug
  • Holly of Fiction : Yep. She's instantly a her thing around here'
  • John Ballistic : It is! From work!
  • Jim Hebert : whats her story? vocals are haunting
  • Holly of Fiction : She was the quiet goth at work says John
  • John Ballistic : All of the above!
  • Holly of Fiction : I Love that story.
  • Jim Hebert : impressive vocals
  • Holly of Fiction : Yeah she kicks ass
  • John Ballistic : Indeed Jim!
  • Jim Hebert : Holly have you recovered yet from your weekend music palozza?
  • Drums of Fiction : Yes we have Jim
  • Jim Hebert : Bryan...much of a cleanup?
  • Drums of Fiction : It's surprisingly easy this year.
  • Holly of Fiction : I didn't have much chance to recover- we have a show in Sat at a cool party in Seattle
  • Jim Hebert : yeah..make the kids do the cleanup
  • Drums of Fiction : Sometimes we're still cleaning Months later
  • Holly of Fiction : Plus we are perfecting what was a 25 minute jam into one of our shiny new longform peices
  • Holly of Fiction : I like this
  • John Ballistic : Yeah good stuff all around tonight!
  • Holly of Fiction : Eno ish vocal
  • Jim Hebert : damn dinner time sorry got to go
  • Holly of Fiction : NIght Jim
  • John Ballistic : Alright by Jim...we'll catch up
  • Holly of Fiction : Official Crush
  • GrimRock : I dig some Dichro
  • Holly of Fiction : I love this band.
  • Holly of Fiction : Wow- she reminds me of Shai no Shai tonight. I love this
  • GrimRock : You should see them live. Watched them with JB at MMF and their set rocked
  • Holly of Fiction : The sounds on this. Charmaine is just a firecracker
  • John Ballistic : Totally!
  • John Ballistic : Gonna see 'em again Saturday!
  • Holly of Fiction : Be sure to tell them I LOVE THEM
  • John Ballistic : Last night was Pittsburgh's (and jukebox faves) Right on Warriors opening for Ladrones from Atlanta
  • John Ballistic : And I will Holly haha!
  • Holly of Fiction : Dying to hear the results on that
  • Holly of Fiction : I am wearing my UJ shirt tonight!
  • John Ballistic : Me too haha!
  • Holly of Fiction : I LOVE the way Attack Goose Handles Timing
  • John Ballistic : On the results that is!
  • John Ballistic : Attack Goose....great band...great name!
  • Holly of Fiction : I gotcha
  • Drums of Fiction : Great name
  • Holly of Fiction : Yes indeed
  • Holly of Fiction : who was that stinger
  • Holly of Fiction : Aw you have some damn good tracks here
  • John Ballistic : The stinger was Rod from Crowjack
  • John Ballistic : Listener faves!!
  • Holly of Fiction : NICE organ solo
  • Holly of Fiction : I think you played this way back. I really love this one
  • Holly of Fiction : Haha his stinger had a lot of character too
  • Drums of Fiction : Old timey blues
  • Holly of Fiction : Zeppliny blues here mm mm
  • John Ballistic : Agreed
  • Holly of Fiction : A tastiness theme
  • John Ballistic : You figured it out haha
  • Drums of Fiction : I forgot what I had recorded. Not so bad
  • John Ballistic : I love that one Bryan...thank you🙏
  • Drums of Fiction : Nice
  • Drums of Fiction : Your welcome
  • Cathiness : I love this song
  • Holly of Fiction : Are you the famous Cathy from work with clever show theme ideas?
  • Cathiness : I am
  • Cathiness : Hello all
  • John Ballistic : Hi Carhy! I was gonna remind you about the show haha but I forgot
  • John Ballistic : *cathy
  • Drums of Fiction : Hello
  • Holly of Fiction : Glad to chat with you! Your name ideas are pure gold.
  • Cathiness : What's up John?
  • John Ballistic : I'm good Cathy and you? Having a blast and see...they know the "namer" of shows haha
  • Drums of Fiction : Nice and heavy
  • Holly of Fiction : I'm a words girl. I know quality when I see it! 🙂
  • Drums of Fiction : So they have what, six drummers?
  • Holly of Fiction : Ah sweet oblivion
  • John Ballistic : Only 1 Bryan!
  • Holly of Fiction : This is quite bananas. Are there 3 rings?
  • John Ballistic : Bug, Krista and I saw them last week before I left Denver!
  • Holly of Fiction : Right! That must have been quite a show.
  • Drums of Fiction : Face melt show
  • Holly of Fiction : He sounds so NORMAL!
  • Holly of Fiction : This show flew- a lot of good stuff
  • John Ballistic : Always☹️
  • Cathiness : I'm doing well. Hanging out with the pup as usual
  • John Ballistic : Nice!!
  • Holly of Fiction : You are a nice guy, definitely. If also a master of mayhem...
  • John Ballistic : Me....never🤫
  • Holly of Fiction : These guys give me Cranberries vibes
  • Drums of Fiction : Two hours of the show is needed
  • John Ballistic : Hmmmm. Haha
  • John Ballistic : We still got a few minutes but I gotta thank everyone in the chat tonight!
  • John Ballistic : Cathy....thanks for joining the chat....I miss you and SOME of the peeps
  • Holly of Fiction : Nice hanging out with you all tonight
  • John Ballistic : Michell sent his reppin the show puc today🤘
  • John Ballistic : *pic
  • Holly of Fiction : These guys are cool
  • Holly of Fiction : Do we know the female lead's name here
  • Drums of Fiction : Crazy name
  • Cathiness : We miss you too, it's not same without you
  • John Ballistic : Awwww
  • Drums of Fiction : Sounds like a place in Texas
  • Cathiness : This episode rocks
  • John Ballistic : Laren Bruckstien is the vox I believe! And thank you Cathy🙏
  • John Ballistic : Or Lauren possibly
  • Holly of Fiction : She reminds me of Fiona Apple
  • Drums of Fiction : Thank you for the show!
  • Holly of Fiction : Yay- great episode!!
  • Holly of Fiction : I'll be getting out a review!
  • Holly of Fiction : Bryan is ALL OVER THIS STATION
  • John Ballistic : Right haha! Out on this end....thanks again all. We got a ton of pics to post so watch the socials! Goodnight yinz
  • Michell Saldarriaga : John?
