Psychic Subway
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Bonny with a whY
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
the Pennsylvania Rock Show
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Latest Message: 1 day, 1 hour ago
- Drums of Fiction : This is effin great
- John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
- Silicon Kong : Go Sabian! 🤘 Congratulations.
- Holly of Fiction : Gawds it's lovely
- John Ballistic : Skeletonized always goes well with Ray!!
- Silicon Kong : Is it me or is this almost Spinal Tap-ish?
- Sabinfreak : Haha! Thanks man!
- John Ballistic : Hadn't caught it's on when I'm at work
- Holly of Fiction : Yeah- Ray is in the band Tobias started long ago- Power Skeleton...oddly related. Heh. You'd love the wedding we are about to play.
- John Ballistic : I bet haha
- Drums of Fiction : Fantastic
- Holly of Fiction : That was so great!
- Sabinfreak : Replays tomorrow at 7- 9 am est and again at 5-7 pm est!
- Drums of Fiction : I love umbrella
- Sabinfreak :
- Holly of Fiction : I love Ray so
- Sabinfreak : How's it going John, Holly, Drums?
- Drums of Fiction : Crack...fizzz
- Holly of Fiction : Sabin I hope to catch your show sometime- it's a nuts week with Rays Wedding coming Sunday- we are waaaaay into the new album.
- Silicon Kong : I'm sensing some Clutch influence here.
- John Ballistic : Good Sabin...busy with UJ & the "money" job
- Sabinfreak : Cool and cool guys!
- Silicon Kong : 😎
- Holly of Fiction : Do ya have a poster of those times on FB? I can pull it on my desktop so I can find days/times. Life is crazy rasing two kiddos at home.
- John Ballistic : Good call SK🤔
- Silicon Kong : Love me some Clutch
- John Ballistic : Me too
- Sabinfreak : Kong 🤘
- Holly of Fiction : I don't know clutch, but Ray knows most everyone.
- Silicon Kong : Clutch set off in the 90's. Great band. Very unorthodox.
- Drums of Fiction : We'll be looking them up shortly
- Sabinfreak : Holly yeah I do! For this week not sure what Jeff gonna do next week
- Jim Hebert : this is brilliant
- Silicon Kong : Look up "Shogun Named Marcus ". Iconic! 😎
- Drums of Fiction : 👍
- Sabinfreak : I started putting music in for a new show last night
- Holly of Fiction : Cool. Sabin- let me know where to find you and I will try to catch some of what you're doin out there!!
- Holly of Fiction : Silicon- I will check that out!
- John Ballistic : Congrats Sabin...def gotta check it...I loves my metal!
- Sabinfreak : Cant put a pic in chat right?
- Silicon Kong : Definitely worth it!
- Holly of Fiction : Eh,not sure. I think you can link
- John Ballistic : Idk...never tried it
- Sabinfreak : Ok no idea
- John Ballistic : If you post the pic on tag me & the ABS page
- Sabinfreak :
- Sabinfreak : Ok John
- Holly of Fiction : BTW- If I don't seem as emojis went away on my window. If you know why, lemme know. It's been weeks, and I miss them!
- John Ballistic : No idea Holly
- John Ballistic : Weird
- Holly of Fiction : *skulls and crossbones*
- Silicon Kong : There's y that Moonlight band! 👍
- Holly of Fiction : *rock hand*
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- Holly of Fiction : I think it's Duck Duck Go. I don't like the other one...
- Holly of Fiction : +
- Silicon Kong : I thoroughly enjoy them.
- Drums of Fiction : Gothy
- Holly of Fiction : They are beautiful and fresh
- Silicon Kong : Yinz know how I am with anything Gothy! That's just fine on my book! I've been "creeping it real" for decades! 😎
- John Ballistic : 🤣🤣🤣
- Holly of Fiction : LOL *goth face*
- Drums of Fiction : I wish I could see Type O again
- John Ballistic : Moonlight Eclipse does rock tho so y'all aint wrong
- Holly of Fiction : RIP Peete
- Silicon Kong : He left behind a plethora of great tunes.
- Holly of Fiction : Oh the Whackitto has come down!
- Silicon Kong : Never be forgotten
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- John Ballistic : That was to holly!
- John Ballistic : Rip Larry as well🙁
- Holly of Fiction : Yes- sorry. Timing. Larry's voice is from another world on this track.. What a voie
- Holly of Fiction : voice
- Silicon Kong : Pete was HUGE! I'm 6 foot and I still had to look up to him.
- Silicon Kong : So nice though
- Drums of Fiction : I love this one
- John Ballistic : Everything these dudes do is solid!
- Holly of Fiction : Crush
- Drums of Fiction : His size is a contributing factor to his young death.
- Holly of Fiction : Had to reload there. I missed the top of this one
- Drums of Fiction : Who's singing
- Silicon Kong : I asked him "why the chain?" He responded "can't find a strap long enough." 😁
- John Ballistic : I did too Holly
- Silicon Kong : Great sense of humor
- Drums of Fiction : 😄
- John Ballistic : That's cool you met him
- John Ballistic : The more I listen to this the more I dig it
- Silicon Kong : Years ago. "October Rust" era.
- Drums of Fiction : This is fun
- John Ballistic : The more I hear Phil the more I dig it
- Drums of Fiction : Reggae Bowie combo
- Holly of Fiction : I stood quite close to Peete- in Seattle at the Showbox, before the gaurds ushered me on. LOL. His riffs are unforgettably beautiful. And his Vox!!
- Silicon Kong : AAA,yes! Them One Eyed Daddy's! 😎
- Drums of Fiction : I wanna be at this bar
- John Ballistic : Another band that is fairly new to me but been jamming to lately
- John Ballistic : And right Bryan!
- Silicon Kong : They have actually been around all.ost 2 decades.
- Drums of Fiction : Digging this
- Holly of Fiction : Yes- frantically listening to what I am hearing in that opening riff that reminds me of something....
- Silicon Kong : Strike that, like 3 Decades.
- Silicon Kong : They took a long hiatus.
- Silicon Kong : John, remember 31st Street Pub? 🤔
- guest_8514 : I'm late
- Raysynn : I'm late
- John Ballistic : Hey Ray!
- Holly of Fiction : Hey Bachelor!!
- Drums of Fiction : Ray!!
- FranQUi : Howdy
- Holly of Fiction : Party!
- Holly of Fiction : Bachelorette!!
- John Ballistic : Congrats again guys!!
- John Ballistic : Early congrats!!
- Drums of Fiction : Hey guys! Ray you played already brother.
- FranQUi : Thank you
- Holly of Fiction : Replays Ray! This is an awesome episode to be on! Allrockin
- John Ballistic : I mention this every time but Cipriano plays a 2 string bass with a slide
- Holly of Fiction : John- I swear I heard a clarinet on this
- Drums of Fiction : 2 string is fun
- Silicon Kong : Interesting. Much like D.A.D. did back in the 80's.
- John Ballistic : He has a horn section
- John Ballistic : So possibly
- Drums of Fiction : Or a sax
- Sabinfreak : Ok I just posted the show on Facebook, Last Dayz page! Tagged you and holly
- John Ballistic : I saw
- Holly of Fiction : Ray played tonight everyone and he and FranQui will be married at a live show we get to play with them on Sunday!!
- Drums of Fiction : Gone Roadhouse
- John Ballistic : Good call!
- Holly of Fiction : *Wedding Bells* *Rock Hands* *Explosion of Confetti* (sorry guys, my emojis are broken, so I'm going manual
- Sabinfreak : Sounds cool Holly
- John Ballistic : Remember that "bar" you mentioned earlier Bryan🍻
- Drums of Fiction : Right
- Holly of Fiction : It will be incredible *double rock hands*
- John Ballistic : Anyone know Dokken?
- Drums of Fiction : If I owned abar
- John Ballistic : Sabin does!!
- Drums of Fiction : Fuck yeah
- John Ballistic : Sabin doesn't own a bar but he knows Dokken!
- Holly of Fiction : GTFO- Party at Sabin's Bar
- John Ballistic : Sabin doesn't own a bar BUT he knows dokken!
- John Ballistic : Chatlog
- Sabinfreak : Haha!
- Drums of Fiction : Ah
- Sabinfreak : I have a crowbar🤘
- Drums of Fiction : So many strings
- Holly of Fiction : John...LOL the chat is apparently hoppin too fast for me..
- Drums of Fiction : Sweet me too
- Drums of Fiction : Dokken is cool
- John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
- Holly of Fiction : This whole lineup is a great show, John! Awesome!!!
- John Ballistic : These dudes were fun live
- Drums of Fiction : Nice and dark
- Sabinfreak : If I did it would be one hell of a long ride, haha
- Holly of Fiction : Awesome, very goth in a new way....
- Silicon Kong : Dude! Frigid Pink!
- John Ballistic : 3 piece
- Holly of Fiction : SK? Enlighten us
- Silicon Kong : 100%
- Drums of Fiction : Fuck yeah
- Silicon Kong : Frigid Pink band of the 60'/70's did cover of "House Of The Rising Sun."
- Holly of Fiction : Thank you. And this is rad
- Silicon Kong : Their only real recognized tune, sadly.
- Silicon Kong : DVE played it all my life. Look them up.
- Raysynn : But great early metal - Frigid Pink
- Holly of Fiction : Ahhhh..thanks Ray! 🙂
- Silicon Kong : Frijid Pink.
- Drums of Fiction : Ray do you know Clutch?
- John Ballistic : Never heard 'em SK but I will investigate
- Holly of Fiction : *hearts*
- Silicon Kong : Active from 67 to 75.
- John Ballistic : Jeff from Front Row Radio won the last shirt!
- Sabinfreak : Yeah John thanks for my t shirt I wear it all the time🤘
- John Ballistic : Right on! Sabin won one too!
- Raysynn : I got my shirt 3rd party ...THANX HOLLY
- Holly of Fiction : YOU BETCHA!
- John Ballistic : Dokken tie in!
- Raysynn : yep
- Silicon Kong : And/or Lunch Mob.
- John Ballistic : Yep
- Sabinfreak : Enjoyed it John and crew🤘
- John Ballistic : Right on sabin!
- Drums of Fiction : Great show
- John Ballistic : Thanks for listening in!!
- Drums of Fiction : This is fantastic hair metal
- John Ballistic : 🎸🎸🎸
- Silicon Kong : Lynch Mob. Sorry.
- Sabinfreak : 🤘
- Holly of Fiction : You guys had me writing down names of bands faster than a rocket! Love you all- thank you John! AOF will soon be logging off to get our music sharp for fancy purposes.
- Drums of Fiction : Raysynn you were likened to them
- Silicon Kong : Well, the D.AD. is actually Disneyland After Dark. Look them up as well. Tune called "Sleeping My Day Away." Very interesting for the time period.
- Holly of Fiction : SK- that does sound interesting...
- Drums of Fiction : I remember this
- Silicon Kong : Yes! I heard a Clutch influence! 😎
- John Ballistic : Nice way to end!
- Drums of Fiction : Fuck yeah
- Raysynn : nyce
- John Ballistic : Nite guys!!!
- Silicon Kong : Take care all. Don't forget, 😎 eclipse tonight! I.... will be there! 👽
- John Ballistic : I forgot haha
- Silicon Kong : It is.... all my fault! 😁
- Drums of Fiction : We're in the PAC now every time an astronomical event we're shrouded in clouds
- Holly of Fiction : That show seemed to bend time- Stay sane in the shadow of the moon, or if you dare...sing along.
- Drums of Fiction : Pac NW
- Silicon Kong : Take care all. Going to hit up some of the Colorado type beer I traded out for a few weeks. 🍺
- Drums of Fiction : Good segue
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- Doc : Morning Campers
- KK_TheRisingFall : Hey Doc. Happy St Patty's Day.
- Doc : Morning KK happy Green Beer Day
- KK_TheRisingFall : Loved all the Irish metal in the opener.
- Doc : thanks
- KK_TheRisingFall : We are performing tomorrow for two high school showcases. Will be interesting. Gonna try and convert these young people into old school metalheads.
- Doc : Awesome
- Doc : thats cool
- KK_TheRisingFall : Was great rockin out to you today. Fun birthday rock block. Have yourself a shot of Jamo later.
- Doc : have a good one
- :
- BenitoBitly :
- John Ballistic : So cool to hear Bad Neighbours & Post Traumatik during the UJ "pre-game"
- John Ballistic : Welcome everyone!! Waiting patiently & rocking out 🤘
- John Ballistic : I want to remind everyone about the band name contest...simply send the coolest, funniest, most riveting etc etc to one of our UJ pages after the show!! Ya might win a UJ shirt!
- Drums of Fiction : Hola
- John Ballistic : Hey Bryan!
- John Ballistic : What's up?
- Holly of Fiction : Hey hey hey! I have the urge to vote for Agressica because it's a crack up in a really good way, but I already have my UJ shirt so I'm hopin someone else votes for em
- Drums of Fiction : How ya feeling brother?
- John Ballistic : Doing alright dude & you guys?
- KK_TheRisingFall : Hey Underground Jukies!
- John Ballistic : Hey KK!
- Drums of Fiction : We're still keeping on
- John Ballistic : I missed Doc on monday...I slept in haha
- KK_TheRisingFall : John our band did some sweeps for you but there was a terrible hiss that ended up on them and basically unusable. We will redo them. Sorry wanted to get them to you this week.
- Drums of Fiction : Hey KK
- John Ballistic : All good KK! Looking forward to hearing 'em! I had a cpl on my end from some others that sounded kinda wonky
- Holly of Fiction : Life is busy- but we might have pinned down potential dates for performing with Good Time Charlies this summer....very exciting!!
- John Ballistic : @ Holly - That'd be awesome!
- John Ballistic : Speak of the devil haha
- Holly of Fiction : Yes! And we are still high from the wedding! We were able to deliver a good performance on some new album material!! Some of it for the first time. Aw...listen to those GT Charlies! Yeah!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Love GrimRock's intro.
- Holly of Fiction : Great openings!
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- John Ballistic : I sent the april shows in last night...more new bumpers & those bits AoF did!
- KK_TheRisingFall : I think East Texas Adrenaline were one of our first FB friends.
- John Ballistic : Oh cool!!
- Holly of Fiction : good riffs
- John Ballistic : @ KK that's pretty cool! Great band!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Thrashy goodnes
- Silicon Kong : 👽
- John Ballistic : Hey SK!
- Holly of Fiction : Yo SK
- Silicon Kong : Greetings & Salutations. 😎
- Drums of Fiction : These guys are so original
- John Ballistic : Mala Sangre
- Holly of Fiction : I can call a Mala Sangre in less than seconds
- John Ballistic : Not showing on my metadata🤷♂️
- Holly of Fiction : (5) seconds
- Silicon Kong : Reminiscent of Half Life.
- John Ballistic : All of the above!!
- Silicon Kong : You should remember them John.
- Holly of Fiction : Such a party
- KK_TheRisingFall : This song makes me laugh because it's so fun.
- Silicon Kong : Huge for years here in Da' Burgh.
- Holly of Fiction : Noice!
- John Ballistic : I don't SK....I only learned about them when I started the show
- Drums of Fiction : Yeah!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Wow...three songs in a row at like 180 bpm 🤣
- John Ballistic : 🤘🤣🤘
- Silicon Kong : I was just watching both of SLC Punk. So this is kinda ironic. 😁
- Holly of Fiction : We are staked out here in our music space which is part art studio, part garage, part performance stage, part livestream stage. This is rockin!
- Silicon Kong : They were pretty huge from 86-90-ish.
- Silicon Kong : Half Life that is.
- KK_TheRisingFall : @Holly sounds like an awesome place to hang!
- John Ballistic : 🍻
- Holly of Fiction : It's where we live when we are livin!
- Drums of Fiction : One way or another I'm gonna get ya
- Holly of Fiction : Oh Yeah
- John Ballistic : I can hear that!
- KK_TheRisingFall : @Drums...I was trying to hum the melody and got it
- KK_TheRisingFall : I was singing "one of these things is not like the other" at first. 🤣
- Drums of Fiction : Hahaa
- John Ballistic : Awesome🤣
- KK_TheRisingFall : Love the cheesy keyboard sounds
- John Ballistic : Me too!!
- John Ballistic : This would go good with Phil Cook and The Fall Dogs keyboard wise
- Holly of Fiction : I hear the Brit invasion and Bry sez Numany'
- John Ballistic : Tin Zelkova just sent me this cd!!
- Holly of Fiction : Coolbies
- KK_TheRisingFall : I hear a bit Davie Jones from The Monkeys in the vocal
- John Ballistic : 🤔
- John Ballistic : Listening now with a different ear haha
- KK_TheRisingFall : Verses
- John Ballistic : I'd have to revisit the monkees...hadn't heard them in forever
- Build the Scene : how many ears do you have, exactly?
- KK_TheRisingFall : If he grew up haha
- Drums of Fiction : Tone quality of Davie I here it
- John Ballistic : They do sound British now that u mentioned it!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Now you can't unhear it.
- Drums of Fiction : I like the Monkeys
- KK_TheRisingFall : LOVE the Monkees
- Holly of Fiction : Just gorgeous
- John Ballistic : Norwegian Soft Kitten wins band name tonight🤣
- KK_TheRisingFall : This is cool...atmospheric guitar and really interesting bass lines with it
- Sabinfreak : What's up John
- John Ballistic : Hey Sabin!
- Holly of Fiction : Hi Sabin
- KK_TheRisingFall : are ONE busy guy!
- Drums of Fiction : I love the mood these guys create
- Holly of Fiction : John- you played this before? I really love this intro
- Sabinfreak : Hey Holly
- Sabinfreak : Hey KK, haja
- John Ballistic : I've played NDK before but not this track
- Drums of Fiction : Sabin Yo
- KK_TheRisingFall : I'd like to know the origin of the name
- Sabinfreak : Hey Drums🤘
- John Ballistic : Right?!🤣
- KK_TheRisingFall : I mean...why "soft"? 🤣
- Holly of Fiction : I wonder if I could have found it down a wormhole listening to UJ stuff like I do sometimes. It is hitting me like listen 2, you know?
- Drums of Fiction : Cause kittens are soft?
- Sabinfreak : Cause kittens are not hard KK
- KK_TheRisingFall : It seems a given so that's why I am questioning...was there a hard or rough kitten somewhere they encountered?
- Drums of Fiction : We have been listening to arterilary rounds go off all day at the local base JBLM
- John Ballistic : 😮
- Drums of Fiction : KK every kitten can turn on you and tear you up
- Build the Scene : Cats are plotting your death 24/7
- KK_TheRisingFall : And that's why I never owned one.
- Sabinfreak : Yeah me either KK, I have a dog, bird, fish and chickens,🍗🤘
- John Ballistic : Chickens could be hard too Sabin!
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- KK_TheRisingFall : They'll peck your eyes out!
- John Ballistic : Right?!🤣
- Sabinfreak : And give you fresh eggs!
- John Ballistic : Pros & cons haha
- KK_TheRisingFall : Crymwav is great! FIrst time hearing them.
- Drums of Fiction : Chickens can be cocks
- KK_TheRisingFall : should sell those eggs and make some $$
- John Ballistic : Crymwav is cool!!
- Holly of Fiction : This is 80'sy enough so you'll know what I say when it's Nasty!
- KK_TheRisingFall : @Drums haha
- Sabinfreak : Haha Drums that's tight
- KK_TheRisingFall : Love the line "Just like Iggy says". very cool.
- Silicon Kong : Nice Collective Soul vibe. 😎with
- Sabinfreak : Yeah I know but I survive them away when I have to many
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- Sabinfreak : Give them away turned into survive?
- KK_TheRisingFall : I get a bit of 80s rock with this.
- John Ballistic : Total old school!
- Sabinfreak : Old School Metal🤘
- Holly of Fiction : I really like that front vocal
- John Ballistic : 100%...Pittsburgh band friend's of Doc Rock
- KK_TheRisingFall : Prgoressive
- KK_TheRisingFall : Progressive
- Holly of Fiction : Yeah. There are slight mathy overtones here.
- John Ballistic : Typos are generally epidemic here haha no need to correct!
- Sabinfreak : I don't know any genre but Metal, heavy, death, Thrash, hard rock, classic
- John Ballistic : Nothing wrong with that!
- Holly of Fiction : Oh Yeah JHon and I luv to SPEL'
- Sabinfreak : 🤣👊
- John Ballistic : 🍻
- John Ballistic : It's beers fault!
- Holly of Fiction : LOL Every time
- Drums of Fiction : Let us be your teachers Sabin
- Holly of Fiction : I am still emojiless *rock face*
- Sabinfreak : They recalled the only creamer I use but I didn't take mine back still using it 💪
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- John Ballistic : I do shit like that!
- Sabinfreak : Cinnabon
- Holly of Fiction : Oddly, we're into super diverse metal. Our band is odd whenever possible
- Drums of Fiction : Early century feel
- Holly of Fiction : This name should win
- KK_TheRisingFall : Their name throws me a bit...more pop than I expected. Love it but I was waiting for some growly fronted vocals
- Sabinfreak : Lol maybe Drums, I listen when I tune in to stations but Metal is King and I don't buy anything but Metal
- Build the Scene : heya John, btw
- John Ballistic : Hey Bill!
- Holly of Fiction : Hi Bill!
- Build the Scene : hello Holly
- Drums of Fiction : There's so many genres of metal you can get lost in it. I need my Metal heads cause it's my roots.
- Silicon Kong : Evening Bill.
- Build the Scene : hello, SK
- Sabinfreak : But I do like Pink Floyd, which most people I know don't understand when I'm a Metal head! Like I said I can classic rock! KK🤘
- John Ballistic : Yeah KK🤘
- John Ballistic : @ Sabin PF is universal I would think
- Silicon Kong : Agreed
- John Ballistic : That's a cool time change KK
- Drums of Fiction : I love music in it's entirety, historically. I can't separate any of it. It is all connected through time.
- John Ballistic : 🎸🎸🎸
- Holly of Fiction : This is absolutely gorgeous!
- Holly of Fiction : Radio level- excellent. These vocals.
- Holly of Fiction : Congrats you guys on this
- KK_TheRisingFall : Thank you, We write the bangers but we love this one showing a different side to us
- Silicon Kong : Nice fade out
- John Ballistic : It still BANGED!!
- Drums of Fiction : Nice
- Sabinfreak : I guess John!
- KK_TheRisingFall : We actually debated to do a fade or not but we thought we made the right choice...the guitar solo could have went on another 2 minutes. haha
- John Ballistic : Salt Pig is a cool name too🤣
- Holly of Fiction : I love that piece Kimberly!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Thank you @Holly
- Sabinfreak : All good stuff you guys do KK🤘
- KK_TheRisingFall : Got that bluesy guitar ala George Thorogood
- Holly of Fiction : This has an emergent psych vibe
- John Ballistic : @ Sabin...I told a cpl denver metal bands to hit u up. I saw you played Vissia!
- KK_TheRisingFall : Thanks @Sabin
- Silicon Kong : Queens Of The Stoneage I catch
- Sabinfreak : Ok cool John, yep played Vissia
- John Ballistic : Good call
- KK_TheRisingFall : Yes that too, like combine the 2
- Holly of Fiction : KK- I hear that George influence too
- Silicon Kong : Thorogood, correct?
- KK_TheRisingFall : Not sure how to spell it Thorogood. haha
- Silicon Kong : Definitely
- Silicon Kong : I caught it as well
- Drums of Fiction : Queens of the Thorougood
- Silicon Kong : 😂
- Drums of Fiction : Me either
- KK_TheRisingFall : I will probably have to bow out a few before the show ends. We have an interview in about 10 minutes.
- John Ballistic : @ KK...Camacho is on the same labelas east texas adrenaline
- Drums of Fiction : This is trancy
- Drums of Fiction : Kinda Godsmack
- John Ballistic : Cool!! Glad you joined in...KILL the interview!!
- Silicon Kong : Deftones
- John Ballistic : Soundgarden
- KK_TheRisingFall : Yes I second the Godsmack with maybe Soundgarden
- KK_TheRisingFall : Jinx
- John Ballistic : Haha
- Drums of Fiction : Soundsmack
- KK_TheRisingFall : Haha....Drums is on a roll
- John Ballistic : Sk has a case tho🤔
- KK_TheRisingFall : Yes Deftones too
- John Ballistic : Love that Bryan!!
- Drums of Fiction : 😁
- Silicon Kong : Sounds just like Chino
- Silicon Kong : Even the same FX. 😎
- Holly of Fiction : I should leave to the ladies room more often, look at this gold my husband is turning out
- Sabinfreak : 🤘
- Silicon Kong : Pull up "House Of Flies " You'll agree
- Holly of Fiction : We saw Godsmack- they were really great
- KK_TheRisingFall : I saw the Deftones. Love their stuff but the concert was a bit boring unfortunately.
- Drums of Fiction : Godsmack opened for Creed
- Silicon Kong : Never got to see them. But, I've heard the same.
- Holly of Fiction : Marylin is adorable
- John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
- Holly of Fiction : Creed was not good. SOrry
- KK_TheRisingFall : Now this is totally old school metal 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
- Silicon Kong : Grim Reaper
- Drums of Fiction : Danzig
- KK_TheRisingFall : Let's start with Maiden....Now who is next?
- Silicon Kong : 🤘
- Sabinfreak : I seen Deftones to, the whisper vocals about put me to sleep
- John Ballistic : Ever hear Exciter?
- Sabinfreak : Seen Maiden 4 times🤘
- John Ballistic : 🎸🎸🎸
- KK_TheRisingFall : I have just never heard their music
- Silicon Kong : Yep. I know of the Exciter
- Drums of Fiction : Maiden for sure
- KK_TheRisingFall : Would Priest be a stretch?
- John Ballistic : @ SK great band!
- Silicon Kong : Overkill? 🤔
- John Ballistic : Priest is there!
- Drums of Fiction : Lots ordinance being fired here
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- KK_TheRisingFall : @Drums...what is going on there? Where do you live that you are hearing all this?
- Drums of Fiction : We have an Army base that does regular trainings.
- Drums of Fiction : JBLM
- Drums of Fiction : It shakes the house
- KK_TheRisingFall : Got it.
- Sabinfreak : Priest and Maiden and overkillon next show🤘
- KK_TheRisingFall : So where did Strawberry Pianist come from?
- KK_TheRisingFall : Gotta run my friends. So great, as always, hanging with you all.
- John Ballistic : Great question...from a picture I took...I'll post it!
- John Ballistic : Nite KK
- Drums of Fiction : Later KK
- Holly of Fiction : This show was a lightning bolt...thanks for hanging and rocking out!
- John Ballistic : 🤘😈🤘
- Silicon Kong : 😎
- Sabinfreak : John enjoyed it! Holly, KK, Drums🤘
- Holly of Fiction : You got it!
- John Ballistic : Thanks all for hanging out!!
- Drums of Fiction : Lots of fun.
- Holly of Fiction : Love hanging with the musos!
- Drums of Fiction : Vampire vocals
- John Ballistic : Bill's got Storms Within after on his PA Rock Show!
- John Ballistic : @ holly...i do too!
- Holly of Fiction : *rock hands*
- John Ballistic : 🎸🎸🎸
- Drums of Fiction : Gotta eat take the kids to the library and the grocery store.
- John Ballistic : Right on & rock on!
- John Ballistic : Great combo btw!!
- Holly of Fiction : Still love this ad
- John Ballistic : 🤣
- Holly of Fiction : Catch ya soon-nyce track!!
- John Ballistic : G'nite all!@
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