Feb 26 2025
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Lynch Mob with Paralandra and A Common Crown @ Jergels (Ticket Give Away 12-23-24 & 12-30-24)
Jergel's Rhythm Grille
“Spacebat Productions Presents” is a variety series that will showcase Pittsburgh artist, musicians, and events.
Throughout the 13 episode season you will see a cast of host including BatTrish (412nes), Mr. Bones, Lexa Terrestrial, and more.
Each episode will include an introduction of the host, a look into who they are and what they have/are working on. Followed by a performance of their choice and an interview of that performer.
Be sure to 2ne in to hang with the Spacebats!
Hosted by: Trish Hosac