Aubrey Burchell

Aubrey Burchell Aubrey Burchell is a Pittsburgh Singer Songwriter and an America’s Got Talent Semifinalist. Aubrey is also a local theatre performer/actress. Aubrey is inspired by artists like Amy Winehouse, Ray Lamontagne, and Etta James!
Emily Raad

Bobby C.

Jennifer Craven

Jennifer Craven Originally from Orange County, California. Moved to Pennsylvania 16 years ago. Grew up on Rock n Roll, Punk, Rockabilly and the occasional gangster rap but only the really crass nasty stuff. Started singing and playing guitar in a punk band when I was 15, I got out most of my teenaged angst, 5 […]
Brian McGee

Host of The Furnace – Brian McGee Originally from Central New York, Lived in Green Bay WI Moved to South Side Pittsburgh 15 years ago for love of Music Scene & Steelers Grew up on Bluesy Hard Rock & 80’s Hair Metal Played Bass in a variety of crappy Garage Bands, mainly because I was […]